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If so you can download any of the below versions for testing. The product will function as normal except for an evaluation limitation. At the time of purchase we provide a license file via email that will allow the product to work in its full capacity. If you would also like an evaluation license to test without any restrictions for 30 days, please follow the directions provided here.

Aspose.OCR Recognize Micro App

extract text from photos and scans without writing a single line of code.

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This lightweight and easy to use command-line utility powered by Aspose.OCR for .NET provides a quick and easy way to convert scans, photos and other images and documents to machine-readable text. Simply run it from the Windows terminal or PowerShell console or include it to the batch file.

System requirements

The utility can run under the following operating systems:

  • Microsoft Windows 10 or above
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016 or above


  1. Download either the full or lightweight version of the executable package.
  2. Extract the archive to some folder on your machine.
  3. Run the utility (Aspose.OCR.Net.exe) from the command line or batch file.

Supported file formats

  • PNG
  • JPEG
  • TIFF
  • BMP
  • GIF
  • PDF
  • DjVu
  • ZIP (all above-listed file types)

Required parameters

For the command line tool to work, you must provide the following minimum set of parameters:

  • --source <file name> - an absolute or relative path to the source content that will be sent to OCR.

Optional parameters

All below-mentioned parameters are optional. If omitted, the default value is applied. Textual values can be specified in either lower or upper case.

  • --output <file name> - an absolute or relative path to the text file to which the recognition results will be saved.
    If omitted, the results are output to the console.

  • --license <file name> - an absolute or relative path to Aspose.OCR for .NET license.
    If you do not provide a license, the following restrictions apply:

    • If the number of characters in a recognized image exceeds 300, only the first 300 characters are recognized.
    • If the number of characters in a recognized image is less than 300, the first 60% of characters are recognized.
  • --language <language code>- the language of the text in the source image. Make sure you specify the correct language, otherwise only characters that look the same as those in the selected language will be recognized correctly.
    Takes on of the following values:

  • none (default) - Extended Latin characters, including diacritics

  • bel - Belorussian

  • bul - Bulgarian

  • chi - Chinese

  • cze - Czech

  • dan - Danish

  • deu - German

  • dum - Dutch

  • eng - English

  • est - Estonian

  • fin - Finnish

  • fra - French

  • hin - Hindi

  • ita - Italian

  • kaz - Kazakh

  • lav - Latvian

  • lit - Lithuanian

  • nor - Norwegian

  • pol - Polish

  • por - Portuguese

  • rum - Romanian

  • rus - Russian

  • slk - Slovak

  • slv - Slovene

  • spa - Spanish

  • srp - Serbian

  • srp_hrv - Serbo-Croatian

  • swe - Swedish

  • ukr - Ukrainian


  1. Quickly recognize an image (English-only):

  1. Recognize a scanned PDF document (English-only) and save results to the text file:

  1. Apply a trial license:

  1. Specify recognition language:

Direct Download

Aspose.OCR Recognize (24.2.0)


Added: 11/3/2024 Downloads:


File Size: 196.2MB

Aspose.OCR Recognize

Console Tool for Document and Image Recognition

Added: 19/1/2024 Downloads:


File Size: 334.63MB